
Monday, 25 March 2019

What we done today

Today my group-Red rockets we done reading with our teacher mrs V. There was a page that most of my group wanted to to and that is the maze part. It was hard a t first but I got through it at least.
Then we had to go for morning tea after that we done math's...
We done, One's ,  Ten's , Hundreds , it was so hard mrs V tought us a game and we were so into it like it was one of the best games that we have ever played so fare.
We all enjoyed it and we wanted it to carry on from there.
Leave a comment on what you do at your school.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Speech day

Today our school said our speech for who will be a great house captain for our.
when I got up I was so nerviness until my teacher told me to take a deep breath and believe in myself her was so helpful and I was proud.
I felt like I won already and when I got down to the end the microphone turned of on me.
I am proud loud and thankful for this day.
here is my speech to you.
hope you like it.

Kiaora,and Hi
My name is Mary I am a yr 8 and I am applying for house captain for 2019.
For starters” I want to be able to cheer you on and I wanna
always be there for you when you need me.
I'm not saying i'm perfect,
i'm only asking is for your support for being a house captain for Taurere the winning group.
I will help you out and be a good leader,
I will listen to you all and do everything with you.
I am trying to be a good leader for people and a role model.
Every year I have been here I have been Experiencing on how good role model are from the leaders that were here before me.
They have taught me how to be a good leader and here is something I learned from them.
Being a leader is a big responsibility
it is taking full effort, never giving up and taking on big challenges.
it is also when people can come to you whenever there's  a problem.
And when  they can rely on you to be a good leader.
a leader is someone that is proud, confident, and happy with everyone
and no matter how good,brave,and shy you are
As long as people are happy.
And I just like to say it is amazing how people wanna become a leader  to help us and to really give new things a try.
Thank you for listening I am Mary have a great day.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Hi Calani my Name is Mary Otene I am a yr 8 I come from Auckland in NZ my school is Glen Taylor and we have fun. I enjoyed your statement of the blog and I thought it was amazing. you showed how and were you came from and were you were now. you put all the information in and it was so good to read. well this is my school. we were so hot and yeah.
The GTS stand for a short name for Glen Taylor school