
Wednesday, 13 September 2017

this week room 9 has been doing our bus this is what we have done.

this week room 9 has been working on there bus is took a while to fegerout how we are going to work it out and this is what it looked like and turned out what it will look like when finish.

this is what the bus looked like when we first started and trust me it was so hard doing the pieces and the sellotaping.
and this is what it looked liken when we started to paint and go over it with a black pen and marker so if willing to do a bus please check it out on room 9's blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary,I like that you have posted something about what we have been doing and what we have done before and what we have done after blank white paper. I like that you have shown us what the bus was before we even started and after along while.c:Coree


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